SR 160
Southwest Las Vegas
Preliminary Recommendations
The map below shows where and what type of improvements are recommended for the Southwest Las Vegas section of SR 160.
*Click image to enlarge

The improvements identified on this map are conceptual in nature and subject to change through the planning, environmental, and design process.
Roadway Widening
The improvements identified on this map are conceptual in nature and subject to change through the planning, environmental, and design process.
A four-lane facility (each direction) with a raised median (similar to the existing Rainbow Boulevard to Decatur Boulevard) is being proposed from Fort Apache Road to Decatur Boulevard. Drainage facilities and pedestrian and cyclist facilities need to be discussed to ensure they safely and effectively balance the corridor’s needs.

Additional Operational Analysis
A higher-level roadway system is needed for Decatur Boulevard to I-15 to accommodate the traffic volumes, limited right-of-way, and existing utilities. A more thorough evaluation is being recommended to review the feasibility and cost-benefit of the potential alternatives, including roadway widening, frontage road systems, grade-separated intersections, or a combination of these alternatives to address long-term needs and adequately minimize delays in this area.